How to Get Rid of Cellulite with this High-Tech Treatment – Plus 6 Creams to Try Now

How to get rid of cellulite:
Cellulite is a common skin condition that affects 90% of women. Although body positivity is essential, women want to get rid of cellulite. While diet, exercise, treatments, and skincare can help temporarily, more is needed in the long run. Many women consider fat-freezing, liposuction, and laser treatments to address the issue. However, these methods come with certain limitations and risks. This article will discuss a new radio-frequency machine, Onda Coolwaves, that can help reduce cellulite without causing any significant side effects.
What causes cellulite?
Cellulite is caused when the skin overlying fat (mostly on thighs, stomach, bottom and arms) is pulled downwards by fibrous connective tissue. The collagen fibres between skin and muscle separate the fat into multiple pockets; age makes the skin thinner and loses elasticity, exposing the rippling beneath.
The Limitations and Risks of Traditional Cellulite Treatments
People who want to take things more seriously can turn to fat freezing, whereby fat cells are cooled down to a temperature at which they die and then, eventually, are flushed out through the kidneys as pee. But there are three problems with this treatment. First, it’s incredibly uncomfortable, not to say painful; secondly, while it may reduce the fat in any area by up to 25 per cent, it does nothing about the loose skin above it. Thirdly, it can cause paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, in which the treated fat hardens and becomes more solid than before. This has been considered a rare side effect, but new research suggests it is perhaps more frequent than previously thought. There’s liposuction, of course, which will see the fat brutally but not the skin covering it, which may well be left saggier than ever. And then there are lasers, which, until a few years ago, I’d vaguely associated with Star Wars and those little red dots that you can beam out of a torch to encourage kittens to play prettily. But the world of laser beauty has grown, and the results that rays of light can now achieve – on skin blemishes, broken veins, wide pores, and, yes, cellulite – seem to be a little short of miraculous.
How to get rid of Cellulite using Onda Coolwaves?
Last month, I was the first journalist in the country to get my thigh bulge zapped by a new radio-frequency machine named the Onda Coolwaves. The procedure is simple: you choose a 6inch sq. area to be treated, coated with liquid paraffin for a more effortless glide, and then you lie there while a therapist rubs the hand-held device on top of the relevant square of flesh over and over for 10 minutes. The part of the machine that touches the skin is cooled, so you shouldn’t heat up too much, but the fat beneath is being heated to accelerate the metabolism of its cells.
Mario Jukic of Lynton, the company that built the Onda, explains precisely how to get rid of cellulite using Onda Coolwaves: “We’ve found a wavelength that sits within the microwave portion of the spectrum. The microwave energy goes straight through the skin and deposits directly into the insulating fat layer. So we’re able to heat that very effectively and specifically without heating and damaging the skin and muscle surrounding it,” he says.
How Does Onda Coolwaves Work?
The Onda heats the fat to 55-60C, cooking it and melting it, and then your digestive system deals with it. Moreover, the device also warms the surface, stimulating collagen production so that the skin above the zapped fat is tightened. The procedure isn’t wholly enjoyable, but it doesn’t have the sharp, needling pain of lasers, and the results – the before and after that I’ve seen – are frankly spectacular. Skin is tighter, texture smoother, and contours sleeker. Of course, this isn’t a weight-loss treatment, but there is a marked slimming effect. Four treatments are the recommendation, one month apart.
Final Thoughts: How I felt after getting rid of cellulite:
I left Tempus Belgravia, where one of these devices is now installed, excited about what the next few months may bring in terms of smoother skin (and my outer thighs rather hot and tingly). There were no other untoward side effects, and I will be back for follow-ups, but the effects are gradual so I won’t see the full benefits for some time. “I’m very excited about this machine,” says Dr Kuldeep Minocha, the medical director of Tempus Belgravia. “Effective cellulite treatment is rare, and patients are very averse to pain, but with this, there’s a little heating of the dermis but no real pain, yet excellent results.”
Cellulite is a common skin condition that affects most women. Although several temporary solutions exist, they may not work in the long term. Traditional treatments, such as fat-freezing, liposuction, and lasers, have limitations and risks. However, a new radio-frequency machine, Onda Coolwaves, can help reduce cellulite effectively without any significant side effects. Combining Onda Coolwaves treatment with recommended creams and tools can help achieve even better results.
1. Cellulinov Intensive Anti-Cellulite Body Care, Sisley, £163 This plant-based cream leaves
thighs instantly softer and firmer (John Lewis & Partners)
2. Celltense Serum, Elénzia, at the Dr Rita Rakus Clinic Proven to improve radio-frequency
treatment by 18 per cent (Elenzia)
3. Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert, Clarins, £60 Even the smell makes it feel effective
– after a week, skin is smoother and tighter (Clarins)
4. D Solution Booster, Valmont, £209 This clear, tingly serum contains caffeine to smooth
bumpy skin (Harrods)
5. Sensifirm Cellulite Reduction device, Sensica, £299 Radio-frequency technology boosts
natural collagen production (CurrentBody)
6. NuBody Skin Toning Kit, Current Body, £383 Micro currents improve skin tone on upper
arms and bottom (CurrentBody)