The famous Julia Hunter peels are popular among all skin types and across most skin concerns and conditions. Whether you skin needs some hydration or if you suffer from acne, hyperpigmentation or blemishes, Julia Hunter’s peels will be an incredible ritual. Dr. Julia Hunter, MD is a world-renowned dermatologist with her own product line that is proudly vocal about being totally non-toxic and medical strength.
Skin of all type can, one way or another be revitalised by Julia Hunter’s patented peels for various conditions including rosacea. The many decades of expertise plus the anti-inflammatory and restorative ingredients in the formulations utilised by Dr. Hunter are behind the many loyal clients world-wide.
On a thorough consultation, an appropriate strength for your skin requirements will be devised before carrying out the multi-step peel. A lot of our patients report an immediate glow to their skin after the peel but the significant benefits are long term. This is after a few months when your skin will have climatised to the ingredients and non-toxin antioxidants applied and infused within your skin.
Feel free to contact us today for a consultation for any skin concern you may have and we reassure you that you’ll enjoy a deeply satisfying experience with us here at Tempus Belgravia throughout.